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Accumulators C++ 03
Framework for incremental calculation, and collection of statistical accumulators.
Algorithm C++ 03
A collection of useful generic algorithms.
Align C++ 03
Memory alignment functions, allocators, traits.
Any C++ 11
Safe, generic container for single values of different value types.
Array C++ 03
STL compliant container wrapper for arrays of constant size.
Asio C++ 11
Portable networking and other low-level I/O, including sockets, timers, hostname resolution, socket iostreams, serial ports, file descriptors and Windows HANDLEs.
Assert C++ 03
Customizable assert macros.
Assign C++ 03
Filling containers with constant or generated data has never been easier.
Atomic C++ 11
C++11-style atomic types.
Beast C++ 11
Portable HTTP, WebSocket, and network operations using only C++11 and Boost.Asio
Bimap C++ 03
Bidirectional maps library for C++. With Boost.Bimap you can create associative containers in which both types can be used as key.
Bind C++ 11
boost::bind is a generalization of the standard functions std::bind1st and std::bind2nd. It supports arbitrary function objects, functions, function pointers, and member function pointers, and is able to bind any argument to a specific value or route input arguments into arbitrary positions.
CallableTraits C++ 11
A spiritual successor to Boost.FunctionTypes, Boost.CallableTraits is a header-only C++11 library for the compile-time inspection and manipulation of all 'callable' types. Additional support for C++17 features.
CharConv C++ 11
An implementation of <charconv> in C++11.
Chrono C++ 11
Useful time utilities. C++11.
Circular Buffer C++ 03
A STL compliant container also known as ring or cyclic buffer.
Cobalt C++ 20
Coroutines. Basic Algorithms & Types
Compat C++ 11
C++11 implementations of standard components added in later C++ standards.
Compute C++ 03
Parallel/GPU-computing library
Concept Check C++ 03
Tools for generic programming.
Config C++ 03
Helps Boost library developers adapt to compiler idiosyncrasies; not intended for library users.
Container C++ 03
Standard library containers and extensions.
Container Hash C++ 11
An STL-compatible hash function object that can be extended to hash user defined types.
Context C++ 11
(C++11) Context switching library.
Contract C++ 03
Contract programming for C++. All contract programming features are supported: Subcontracting, class invariants, postconditions (with old and return values), preconditions, customizable actions on assertion failure (e.g., terminate or throw), optional compilation and checking of assertions, etc.
Conversion C++ 11
Polymorphic casts.
Convert C++ 11
An extendible and configurable type-conversion framework.
Core C++ 03
A collection of simple core utilities with minimal dependencies.
Coroutine C++ 03
Coroutine library.
Coroutine2 C++ 11
(C++11) Coroutine library.
CRC C++ 11
The Boost CRC Library provides two implementations of CRC (cyclic redundancy code) computation objects and two implementations of CRC computation functions. The implementations are template-based.
Date Time C++ 03
A set of date-time libraries based on generic programming concepts.
Describe C++ 03
A C++14 reflection library.
Detail C++ 03
This library contains a set of header only utilities used internally by Boost C++ Libraries to facilitate their implementation.
DLL C++ 11
Library for comfortable work with DLL and DSO.
Dynamic Bitset C++ 03
The dynamic_bitset class represents a set of bits. It provides accesses to the value of individual bits via an operator[] and provides all of the bitwise operators that one can apply to builtin integers, such as operator& and operator<<. The number of bits in the set is specified at runtime via a parameter to the constructor of the dynamic_bitset.
Enable If C++ 03
Selective inclusion of function template overloads.
Endian C++ 11
Types and conversion functions for correct byte ordering and more regardless of processor endianness.
Exception C++ 03
The Boost Exception library supports transporting of arbitrary data in exception objects, and transporting of exceptions between threads.
Fiber C++ 11
(C++11) Userland threads library.
Filesystem C++ 11
The Boost Filesystem Library provides portable facilities to query and manipulate paths, files, and directories.
Flyweight C++ 03
Design pattern to manage large quantities of highly redundant objects.
Foreach C++ 03
In C++, writing a loop that iterates over a sequence is tedious. We can either use iterators, which requires a considerable amount of boiler-plate, or we can use the std::for_each() algorithm and move our loop body into a predicate, which requires no less boiler-plate and forces us to move our logic far from where it will be used. In contrast, some other languages, like Perl, provide a dedicated "foreach" construct that automates this process. BOOST_FOREACH is just such a construct for C++. It iterates over sequences for us, freeing us from having to deal directly with iterators or write predicates.
Format C++ 11
The format library provides a type-safe mechanism for formatting arguments according to a printf-like format-string.
Function C++ 11
Function object wrappers for deferred calls or callbacks.
Functional C++ 03
The Boost.Function library contains a family of class templates that are function object wrappers.
Functional/Factory C++ 03
Function object templates for dynamic and static object creation
Functional/Forward C++ 03
Adapters to allow generic function objects to accept arbitrary arguments
Functional/Overloaded Function C++ 03
Overload different functions into a single function object.
Function Types C++ 03
Boost.FunctionTypes provides functionality to classify, decompose and synthesize function, function pointer, function reference and pointer to member types.
Fusion C++ 03
Library for working with tuples, including various containers, algorithms, etc.
Geometry C++ 14
The Boost.Geometry library provides geometric algorithms, primitives and spatial index.
GIL C++ 14
(C++14) Generic Image Library
Graph C++ 14
The BGL graph interface and graph components are generic, in the same sense as the Standard Template Library (STL).
GraphParallel C++ 03
The PBGL graph interface and graph components are generic, in the same sense as the Standard Template Library (STL).
Hana C++ 14
A modern C++ metaprogramming library. It provides high level algorithms to manipulate heterogeneous sequences, allows writing type-level computations with a natural syntax, provides tools to introspect user-defined types and much more.
Heap C++ 03
Priority queue data structures.
Histogram C++ 14
Fast multi-dimensional histogram with convenient interface for C++14
HOF C++ 11
Higher-order functions for C++
ICL C++ 03
Interval Container Library, interval sets and maps and aggregation of associated values
Integer C++ 03
The organization of boost integer headers and classes is designed to take advantage of <stdint.h> types from the 1999 C standard without resorting to undefined behavior in terms of the 1998 C++ standard. The header <boost/cstdint.hpp> makes the standard integer types safely available in namespace boost without placing any names in namespace std.
Interprocess C++ 03
Shared memory, memory mapped files, process-shared mutexes, condition variables, containers and allocators.
Intrusive C++ 03
Intrusive containers and algorithms.
IO C++ 03
Utilities for the standard I/O library.
Iostreams C++ 03
Boost.IOStreams provides a framework for defining streams, stream buffers and i/o filters.
Iterator C++ 03
The Boost Iterator Library contains two parts. The first is a system of concepts which extend the C++ standard iterator requirements. The second is a framework of components for building iterators based on these extended concepts and includes several useful iterator adaptors.
JSON C++ 11
JSON parsing, serialization, and DOM in C++11
Lambda C++ 03
Define small unnamed function objects at the actual call site, and more.
Lambda2 C++ 14
A C++14 lambda library.
LEAF C++ 11
A lightweight error handling library for C++11.
Lexical Cast C++ 11
General literal text conversions, such as an int represented a string, or vice-versa.
Locale C++ 11
Provide localization and Unicode handling tools for C++.
Local Function C++ 03
Program functions locally, within other functions, directly within the scope where they are needed.
Lockfree C++ 14
Lockfree data structures.
Log C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Math C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Member Function C++ 11
Generalized binders for function/object/pointers and member functions.
Metaparse C++ 03
A library for generating compile time parsers parsing embedded DSL code as part of the C++ compilation process
Meta State Machine C++ 03
A very high-performance library for expressive UML2 finite state machines.
Min-Max C++ 03
Standard library extensions for simultaneous min/max and min/max element computations.
Move C++ 03
Portable move semantics for C++03 and C++11 compilers.
Mp11 C++ 11
A C++11 metaprogramming library.
MPI C++ 03
Message Passing Interface library, for use in distributed-memory parallel application programming.
MPL C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Multi-Array C++ 03
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Multi-Index C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Multiprecision C++ 14
Extended precision arithmetic types for floating point, integer, and rational arithmetic.
MySQL C++ 11
MySQL client library built on top of Boost.Asio.
Nowide C++ 11
Standard library functions with UTF-8 API on Windows.
Optional C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Outcome C++ 14
A deterministic failure handling library partially simulating lightweight exceptions.
Parameter C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Parameter Python Bindings C++ 03
Boost.Parameter Library Python bindings.
Parser C++ 03
A parser combinator library.
PFR C++ 14
Basic reflection for user defined types.
Phoenix C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Pointer Container C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
PolyCollection C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Polygon C++ 03
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Pool C++ 03
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Predef C++ 03
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Preprocessor C++ 03
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Process C++ 03
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Program Options C++ 03
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Property Map C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Property Map (Parallel) C++ 03
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Property Tree C++ 03
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Proto C++ 03
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Python C++ 03
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QVM C++ 03
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Random C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Range C++ 03
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Ratio C++ 03
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Rational C++ 03
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Redis C++ 03
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Ref C++ 03
A utility library for passing references to generic functions.
Regex C++ 03
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Safe Numerics C++ 03
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Scope C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Scope Exit C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Serialization C++ 03
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Signals2 C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Smart Ptr C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Sort C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Spirit C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Stacktrace C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Statechart C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Static Assert C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Static String C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Stl_interfaces C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
String Algo C++ 03
String algorithms library.
Swap C++ 03
Enhanced generic swap function.
System C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Test C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Thread C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
ThrowException C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Timer C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Tokenizer C++ 03
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TTI C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Tuple C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Type Erasure C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Type Index C++ 03
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Typeof C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Type Traits C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Units C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Unordered C++ 03
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URL C++ 03
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Utility C++ 03
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Uuid C++ 03
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Variant C++ 03
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Variant2 C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
VMD C++ 03
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Wave C++ 03
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WinAPI C++ 03
No description provide for this version.
Xpressive C++ 03
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YAP C++ 03
No description provide for this version.