
Boost 1.84.0 Release Candidate 1 is available

René Ferdinand Rivera Morell
René Ferdinand Rivera Morell
Dec 7th, 2023

The first release candidates for the 1.84.0 release are now available at:

The SHA256 check-sums are as follows:

cc4b893acf645c9d4b698e9a0f08ca8846aa5d6c68275c14c3e7949c24109454 (boost_1_84_0_rc1.tar.bz2)
cc77eb8ed25da4d596b25e77e4dbb6c5afaac9cddd00dc9ca947b6b268cc76a4 (
81a4d10075731966477276c47324ecd9cac02da49899d36c48eba66e40014f25 (boost_1_84_0_rc1.7z)
a5800f405508f5df8114558ca9855d2640a2de8f0445f051fa1c7c3383045724 (boost_1_84_0_rc1.tar.gz)

As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download the candidate of your choice and give building it a try. Please report both success and failure, and anything else that is noteworthy.

-- The Release managers